User forces server reset. Xdmcp: Control client is closed and the entire session is closed. All clients are closed down. Going to server reset... Exiting the waiting loop ... Server Generation 9 Server profile: %system%\Default Profile.xcf Xdmcp Reset Init State: 1 Xdmcp Broadcast Address: Primary Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 Size of Palette: 0 Number of Reserved Colors: 0 Resolution of Color: 24 Depth of Screen: 32 Maximum Cursor Width: 32 Maximum Cursor Height: 32 Frame Width: 4 Frame Height: 4 Border Width: 1 Border Height: 1 Maximum Client Area Width: 1024 Maximum Client Area Height:712 Icon Width: 32 Icon Height: 32 Caption Height: 26 DBCS Enabled: 1 GDI batch limit: 20 Mouse buttons: 5 Waveform Output Devices: 1 Mouse wheel present: 1 Monitors: 1 Selected Monitor: Virtual Screen Same display format: 1 Virtual screen x 0, y 0, w 1024 h 768 Root Window x 0, y 0, w 1024, h 768 Exact StoreColor: 0 Reverse RGB Order: 0 Screen 0: 1024 x 768 Keyboard file version: 3.0 Keyboard file: Korean 106 keyboard Keyboard type: 3 nKeys, minKC, maxKC, mapWidth, nCompose: 106, 8, 114, 4, 0 Number of keycodes: 107 Number of KeySyms: 428 Bytes of KeySyms: 1712 Waiting for client connections ... Xdmcp: Timed out, state 4. Retransmissions: 0 Xdmcp Broadcast Address: Xdmcp: Timed out, state 4. Retransmissions: 0 Xdmcp Broadcast Address: Xdmcp Request Address: Xdmcp Connection Address 0: Xdmcp: sent a REQUEST message Xdmcp: received an ACCEPT message Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message. Xdmcp: Connection has been established. Going to run session... Xdmcp KeepAliveTime: 0 seconds