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Commands beginning with "n" use numeric format.A dash may be used with the "merge" and "source" to read from theusage: %s [-options ...] [command arg ...] %s: unable to generate an authority file name Illegal Address(stdout)yesnogenerate?removequitnmergenlistnextractinfoexitaddfffefdfcfbfaf9f8f7f6f5f4f3f2f1f0efeeecebeae9e8e7e6e5e4e3e2e1e0dfdedcdbdad9d8d7d6d5d4d3d2d1d0cfcdcccbcac9c8c7c6c5c4c3c2c1c0bfbebdbcbbbab9b8b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0afaeadacabaaa9a8a7a6a5a4a3a2a1a09f9e9d9c9b9a999897969594939291908f8e8d8c8b8a898887868584838281807f7e7d7c7b7a797877767574737271706f6e6d6c6b6a696867666564636261605f5e5d5c5b5a595857565554535251504f4e4d4c4b4a494847464544434241403f3e3d3c3b3a393837363534333231302f2e2d2c2b2a292827262524232221201f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100%s: %s:%d: bad "%s" command line %s: stdin already in use %s: unable to open file %s /unix:%d unknown errortimeoutrbIgnoring locks onUsing%s authority file %s -nwbMIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1Ignoring locks and writingWritingunknown command "%s" %04x %04x /unix%s#%04x#SUN-DES-1MIT-KERBEROS-5w%s%s internal error with help on command "%s"Commands: %d entries written to "%s" .%d entries removed (none)Authority file: %s File new: %s File locked: %s Number of entries: %d Changes honored: %s Changes made: %s Current input: %s:%d xauth> line too long untrustedgroupdataunable to open display "%s". authorization id is %ld generate dpyname protoname [options] use server to generate entry options are: timeout n authorization expiration time in seconds trusted clients using this entry are trusted untrusted clients using this entry are untrusted group n clients using this entry belong to application group n data hexkey auth protocol specific data needed to generate the entry ? list available commandssource filename read commands from fileremove dpyname... remove entriesquit abort changes and exit programnmerge filename... numerically merge entriesnlist [dpyname...] numerically list entriesnextract filename dpyname... numerically extract entriesmerge filename... merge entries from fileslist [dpyname...] list entriesinfo print information about entrieshelp [topic] print helpextract filename dpyname... extract entries into fileexit save changes and exit programadd dpyname protoname hexkey add entrybad display name "%s" in "%s" command %s: unable to alloc entry reading auth file %s: unable to allocate %d bytes for hexkey Attempting to break locks on authority file %s %s: %s in locking authority file %s %s: %s not writable, changes will be ignored %s: creating new authority file %s %s: unable to read auth entries from file "%s" %s: unable to open tmp file "%s" Aborting changes to authority file %s: %s not writable, changes ignored %s: unable to write authority file %s %s: unable to link authority file %s, use %s unable to open extraction file "%s" no help for noexistent command "%s" unable to read any entries from file "%s" %d entries read in: %d new, %d replacement%s No matches found, authority file "%s" not written key contains odd number of or non-hex characters unable to allocate %d bytes for Xauth structure unable to allocate %d character protocol name unable to allocate %d bytes for auth list unable to merge in added record unable to break line into words data contains odd number of or non-hex characters couldn't query Security extension on display "%s" couldn't generate authorization /.XauthorityXAUTHORITYHOME-c-l`     GPB 5p`@=/ (4p@. 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